Reduiu el risc de les vostres inversions

Fòrum d’Entitats Financeres

Verd és el nou negre! Notícies ben conegudes, però potser necessiteu saber-ne més sobre com dirigir les vostres inversions cap un futur net i verd.

En un seguit d’esdeveniments on-line, el consorci EN-TRACK us presentarà les funcionalitats i el potencial de la plataforma que s’està desenvolupant. També us donarem l’oportunitat d’expressar-vos per a que pugueu dir-nos quines dades necessiteu per augmentar la inversió en àrees no explorades d’eficiència energètica.

Uneix-te al fòrum d’entitats financeres EN-TRACK per identificar noves oportunitats d’inversió i contribuir a la innovació de l’anàlisi comparativa basada en dades. La teva contribució ajudarà a reduir el risc de les teves inversions en eficiència energètica.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualsevol entitat financera que inverteixi activament en actius energètics i reformes d’eficiència energètica.

Tant si sou un gestor d’un fons d’inversions com si sou un analista d’un d’un banc comercial, volem escoltar les teves necessitats pel que fa a les dades.

Perquè les dades són importants, i les dades reals són encara més importants. EN-TRACK us proporciona dades de milers d’edificis, dades que s’han mesurat i verificat i que es donen amb un nivell de fiabilitat segons sigui la font.

Aquest accés a dades reals, en una plataforma amb eines per fer benchmark i comparatives d’inversions d’eficiència energètica, us obra la porta a la reducció del risc en les vostres inversions i us ajuda a descobrir noves possibilitats.

La plataforma EN-TRACK es basa en una infraestructura provada desenvolupada per CIMNE (SHERPA i EDI-Net platform). Utilitzarà anàlisi de big data per donar suport a una millor presa de decisions sobre les inversions adequades en eficiència energètica. A més de recopilar dades de grans propietaris d’edificis públics, EN-TRACK permet la interoperabilitat amb bases de dades i eines conegudes i de confiança, com DEEP, eQuad i Enerinvest. Això proporciona una plataforma de big data de codi obert capaç d’adquirir i harmonitzar dades de múltiples fonts basades en una descripció amb estàndards internacionals de dades d’edificis i mesures d’eficiència energètica. En altres paraules, un enfocament estandarditzat basat en dades per l’avaluació del rendiment de les inversions en eficiència energètica. En obrir el camí cap a un ecosistema de productes i eines capaços de bescanviar dades i oferir serveis complementaris sense ambigüitats i amb costos de transacció baixos, EN-TRACK reduirà el risc de les inversions en eficiència energètica.

EN-TRACK provides various indicators of the financial and energy performance of buildings and EEMs. These indicators are at the core of the services of benchmarking and comparison purposes for financial institutions. In section 5.3 in deliverable D6.3 (below), the indicators relevant for financial institutions are presented alongside reflections upon how they can be used, and what users can learn from them. These outputs are accessed through the platform interface and are downloadable in Excel spreadsheet format.

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.3, section 5.3

You can use the EN-TRACK services and indicators in several ways, combined and as standalone outputs, and depending on your own internal investment criteria and strategy, they can serve to identify new opportunities and help in the decision-making process

  • Use EN-TRACK to identify low performing buildings
  • Identify costs and savings associated with your investment portfolio
  • Risk and sensitivity analysis of EEM portfolios in different settings
  • Assess and report on carbon savings
  • Identifying trends in EEM financial performance to improve investment strategies and financial forecasting
  • Looking at variations in financial performance across EEM portfolios to determine the portfolio's risk of underperformance
  • Track investments and performance in competing technologies
  • Identify replicable investment trends and strategies

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.3, section 5.4

The platform provides two levels of content for the users depending on whether or not

they are registered data providers:

  • Visitor content: This perspective caters to non-data provider users who require access to anonymized benchmarking data. Users within this view can access benchmarking data without requiring registration on the platform. Notable users within this category include financial institutions
  • Client content: Designed for data providers, this view grants users access to comprehensive benchmarking and monitoring services. Users in this view must be registered data providers to utilize these detailed benchmarking and monitoring services A prime example of users within this category is building owners. Building owners can create an eQuad account and then seamlessly transfer their buildings and projects from EN-TRACK to eQuad. They can then be processed for {"for" or "by"?} financing and investment funds, property managers and financial institutions. These can then transfer their investment performance data back to EN-TRACK.

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.4, section 3.1

Section 3.2 in deliverable D6.4 (below) serves to guide users through the platform's key sections and help them familiarise themselves with the functionalities of each section. Financial Institutions and other non-data providers can access these functionalities without registering on the platform, enabling them to get a fast start on exploiting the platform to the full.

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.4, section 3.2

Section 4 (Sourcing outputs) in deliverable D6.4 (below) provides instructions for accessing the diverse range of financial and energy performance indicators for buildings and EEMs provided by EN-TRACK. The performance monitoring and benchmarking of buildings cover three aspects: energy consumption, energy cost, and energy consumption related CO2 emissions.

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.4, section 4

As the EN-TRACK platform development is being finalized, the integration with Joule Assets eQuad platform is also progressing. It is expected that the use case scenario for some investors will change once this integration is in place and therefore the document below along with any subsequent communication and/or material will be updated accordingly with additional material on eQuad.

Read more about this topic in deliverable D6.4, section 5



EnEffect Consult


Tel: +359 2 963 1714




Financial institutions (not Bulgarian)





Stoyan Danov
