The Consortium
The EN-TRACK partners
The EN-TRACK consortium consists of 7 partners from 5 countries across Europe (Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Denmark and United Kingdom). With our different areas of expertise, spanning from hardcore technology development over user interface design to practical experience in running pilot sites, we make up a strong consortium, ready to develop and introduce the EN-TRACK platform! Learn more about our partner profiles on this site.
Why do something on your own when you can do it together?
A leading research and technological development institution with a proven ability to deliver data management services for building management.
In EN-TRACK, CIMNE is the project coordinator, technology provider and responsible for the EN-TRACK platform development. EN-TRACK is a logical progress of the CIMNE-BEE Group’s innovative solutions for
increasing the energy efficiency in buildings.
The Department of Territory and Sustainability is one of the department of the Catalan Government. Its main typologies of competences are 1) Territorial and urban planning, mobility and coastal management, public works and infrastructures, transport 2) Housing promotion and refurbishment, 3) Environmental and sustainability policies, including climate change, water, wastes and environmental quality. DTES formulates and implements policies in the field of building quality and housing refurbishment, environmental quality of products and climate change mitigation.
In EN-TRACK, DTES together with ICAEN are going to gather the building data, the energy efficiency measures characteristics, etc. with the support of the Energy Managers of each building.
EnEffect Consult
A private sector energy consultancy firm working locally, nationally and internationally. As part of the EEE international consortium (Econoler International-EnEffect-Elana), EnEffect manages the Bulgarian Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund, supported by the Global Environment Facility, the World Bank and the Bulgarian Government.
In En-TRACK, EnEffect is responsible for stakeholders engagement and elaboration of training materials for building owners and contractors, as well as bringing information on hundreds of buildings (public and private) to the project.
EnergyPro was established in 2012 to accelerate investment into the energy transition, resource efficiency and clean technology. EnergyPro provides tailored advice to corporates, investors, governments, local authorities and multilateral institutions, in the UK and globally. EnergyPro is engaged with businesses and community organisations working to develop programmes and tools that enable the delivery of clean energy initiatives and promote local economic growth, health and wellbeing.
In EN-TRACK, EnergyPro combines their expertise as the developers of world-leading energy infrastructure toolkits with in-depth knowledge of energy efficiency finance to support the
production of standardised taxonomies and interoperable data models within the project.
Joule Assets Europe
Joule Assets Europe supports the access to financing for energy efficiency and renewables projects,
catalysing the marketplace for project developers and investors to overcome the market barriers that limit financing of sustainable energy projects. To do so, Joule helps small and medium ESCos, engineering firms, and construction companies across Europe access appropriate project investment by providing advisory work through the eQuad platform and by working on publicly funded initiatives that help the shaping of EU policies.
In EN-TRACK, Joule oversees the development of business models and value propositions for the
project exploitation and it works on developing relationships with financial institutions.
Smart Innovation Norway
Smart Innovation Norway (SIN) is a non-profit research and innovation company, which works for the green shift and new sustainable jobs. We help companies and municipalities with applied research, innovation and commercialization in sustainable energy, applied artificial intelligence, digital entrepreneurship, smart cities and social and behavioral innovation.
In EN-TRACK, SIN ensures an appealing, saleable and marketable project profile as well as providing the high professional standards of communication to maximise the impact of the investment being made.

The Catalan Institute for Energy (ICAEN) is the entity of the Government of Catalonia responsible for developing and carrying out the Catalan energy policy, especially in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Main actions carried out by ICAEN include: Development of programs to promote Renewable and energy efficiency in all economic sectors; responsible for buildings' EPC in Catalonia, leading the Energy Efficiency Plan of the Catalan Government buildings. Collaboration with other Ministries of the Catalan Government to develop transversal actions.
In EN-TRACK, ICAEN is responsible for ensuring on-site data collection, mainly for public buildings. ICAEN will participate in dissemination and communication activities to promote, foster and involve public and private sectors buildings in sharing their energy data.