How to use the EN-TRACK platform – watch the video!
Explore the capabilities of EN-TRACK in building energy efficiency with our informative video. This detailed overview provides an insight into how EN-TRACK assists building managers and financial institutions in making data-driven decisions.

Explore the capabilities of EN-TRACK in building energy efficiency with our informative video.

This detailed overview provides an insight into how EN-TRACK assists building managers and financial institutions in making data-driven decisions. The platform's integration of diverse data sources for performance analysis, benchmarking capabilities, and support in projecting savings and returns on investment are highlighted. Learn about the tangible benefits EN-TRACK offers in the pursuit of Europe's energy efficiency targets and how it can be a key component in your sustainability strategy.

Kickoff Meeting
On 4-5 November 2020, EN-TRACK had a succesful kickoff meeting. In the times of Covid-19 it was of course online.
Increasing Private Investments in Energy Efficiency Refurbishments
Read about how EN-TRACK will support increased energy efficiency investments.
Introduction of EN-TRACK
Watch this interview with our project coordinator, Stoyan Danov, as he explains about the goals and methodology of EN-TRACK.