Know your buildings

The Building Owners Forum

Prepare your buildings for the present and the future! Attract private investments to new energy efficiency refurbishment projects.

With a targeted series of online events, the EN-TRACK consortium will not only introduce you to the functionalities and potential of the platform in development. We will also give you an opportunity to have your voice heard and contribute your knowledge on what you as building owners and energy managers need to increase investment in energy efficiency refurbishment projects.

Join the Building Owners and Operators Forum to learn more about how the EN-TRACK platform will give you easy-to-access data overview, by gathering and standardizing data from entire building stocks in a one-stop-shop.

Improve your decision-making and evaluation of building refurbishment projects. Knowing your buildings is knowing your investments. Sign up to receive more information about the programme!

Frequently Asked Questions

By signing up to the community you will:

  • Support the increase of energy efficiency investments in the European building stock.
  • Receive up-to-date information about the development of the platform and its functionalities.
  • Find new opportunities for collaboration through participation in national and international workshops and other thematic events
  • Influence the development of the platform to make sure it fulfils your needs.

Although summarized data will be available even for all users, we strongly recommend you to provide data for your buildings. Only in this case you will be able to use the full functionalities of the platform and improve the performance of your portfolio.

Registering and providing/uploading data, will allow

  • Summarizing all your buildings’ data to one single place, ready to consult, analyse, or export
  • Making informed decisions for your building renovation projects
  • Monitoring the evolution of your buildings’ performance over time
  • Comparing your buildings to similar ones and understanding what their saving potential is.
  • Getting recommendations on the most appropriate energy efficiency investments and the expected payback, estimated from real project data

Your data will not be made visible or otherwise available to any other users or any outside entities through the user interface of the platform. The detailed location of the projects and personal data will be visible only by the respective user. No other users will have access to this data. Limited subsets of selected data, along with similar data for other projects, will be used for summarizing graphs, charts and tables for selected subsets of projects and buildings characteristics.

The first step for any organisation willing to take advantage of the features of the ENTRACK platform is to register and assign roles to individual users/sub-users. Each organisation can assign different experts with different responsibilities. For example, one expert may only have access to a specific building, while others may service multiple buildings. It is possible for one user to have access to all the organisation's sites. It is recommended that the roles and rights of the users are discussed in advance with the relevant expert who will perform the initial registration.

Read more about the registration process and settings in Deliverable D6.2, section 4

In order for users to benefit from the full services offered by the EN-TRACK platform, they must provide data about their buildings. The more detailed the data provided, the more useful and interesting features of the platform will be opened to facilitate their activities.

Read more about provision of data in Deliverable D6.2, section 5

In order for building owners to work effectively with the platform and make the most of its functionalities, they should be familiar with the indicators it provides. These are conventionally divided into two groups, namely:

  • Building performance indicators
  • Energy efficiency measures (EEM) and energy efficiency investments (EEI) performance indicators

Read more about understanding the outputs in Deliverable D6.2, section 6

The results of the platform can be used at all stages in the process of improving the energy performance of buildings - from identifying problems and appropriate measures to attracting investment and verifying results.

Read more about using the outputs in Deliverable D6.2, section 7



EnEffect Consult


Tel: +359 2 963 1714






Stoyan Danov
