EN-TRACK will attend Sustainable Places for the second time!
This year, we will host an online workshop "Smart Meter Rollup: Learnings from across the EU", on Wednesday 7 September, 8:30-10:00 CET.
The workshop will provide and develop new insights into the barriers and successes in smart metering across the EU, with the UK, Bulgaria and Spain as case studies. The aim is to share knowledge and jointly develop a set of policy recommendations for smoother deployment of smart meters into underserved market segments across Europe.
Join us and you will have an opportunity to provide feedback to European policy makers and influence our shared data governance now and into the future!
The workshop will start with presenting the three cases: UK, Bulgaria and Spain.
The presentations will be followed by guided activities in breakout sessions, where you will have an opportunity to share your experiences and learn from others. The aim is to develop a set of policy recommendations regarding the future of smart metering.
How to join
Please ask for a free guest pass: tuuli.veikkanen@smartinnovationnorway.com
There is a limited amount of free registrations, so be fast!
You can also register here: https://www.sustainableplaces.eu/smart-meter-rollup-learnings-from-across-the-eu/
We are looking forward to meeting you!