The EN-TRACK Data Management Plan clarifies the handling of research data during and after the project. It includes data that will be collected, processed or generated during the project, methodology and standards that will be applied, whether data will be shared and how data will be curated and preserved, taking into account all data-related aspects of the project.
The principal objective of EN-TRACK is the gathering of data from building owners on the performance of energy efficiency investments in buildings. The data will be used for benchmarking and identification of energy efficiency opportunities. The collected data during the project will be made publicly available to its users in an aggregated and anonymised form through the EN-TRACK platform web interface.
Irreversibly anonymised datasets will be shared with the DEEP platform in order to support the European Commission’s priority policies in the stimulation of energy efficiency investments. The non-anonymised buildings information collected in EN-TRACK will never be shared on an individual basis among the platform users or any outside entity. Within the scope of its interoperability services, EN-TRACK will enable the possibility users to export data to external platforms, but this will always be done with their express desire and consent.
EN-TRACK will use the open research data repository Zenodo to comply with the Horizon 2020 Open Access Mandate. This mandate applies to the underlying research data of publications. In EN-TRACK, all public deliverables, publications and the anonymous parts of the underlying datasets will be uploaded to the H2020 EN-TRACK Community as well as the European Commission Funded Research (OpenAIRE) Community in Zenodo. Uploads will be done upon approval of the deliverables by the European Commission, upon publication or acceptance of scientific publications, or, for underlying datasets, at the end of the project at the latest. Each dataset will be given a persistent identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI), supplied with relevant metadata and linked to the project name and grant agreement number.