The story of EN-TRACK
In this article, we explore the origins of EN-TRACK, a tool that lets you discover the real performance of your energy efficiency activities and investments.

In this article, we explore the origins of EN-TRACK, a tool that lets you discover the real performance of your energy efficiency activities and investments.

Origin of EN-TRACK

The journey of EN-TRACK has its roots in CIMNE, a renowned research center based in Barcelona. For over a decade, CIMNE's Building and Energy group has focused on enhancing energy efficiency in buildings, leading to the development of various tools and platforms designed to optimize energy use and increase awareness. 

With the European Commission's 2019 Green Deal bringing forth new requirements and objectives, it became clear that real data collection was imperative in the sector of energy efficiency. Smart meter data was evolving, and this data could offer invaluable insights. The vision to create a European-level accounting tool for buildings was born.  

The necessity for EN-TRACK was affirmed when the Catalan government expressed the need to control the consumption of their public building stock, which numbered over 4,000 structures. The objective was to evaluate their spending efficiency, a task that had previously relied on engineering and studies.  

The Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN) in Spain and EnEffect in Brussels, which was developing an Excel-based tool for Bulgarian municipalities, were chosen as the pilot sites. These sites represented two extremes in Europe – Spain, highly advanced in smart metering, and Bulgaria, still awaiting regulatory prerequisites. 

Towards a European Standard 

Inspired by the need to monitor the entire building stock at the European level, the vision for EN-TRACK was to create a comprehensive European-level accounting tool. Designed to handle data of varying granularity, the system is versatile enough for diverse regions. EN-TRACK stands out by integrating both energy and financial data, addressing a gap in the market. 

External Inspirations 

The US's BEDES system and the DEEP platform played influential roles in shaping EN-TRACK. While BEDES offers a common dictionary of terms for energy data, DEEP provides benchmarking but lacks detailed building context. EN-TRACK aims to combine the strengths of both while offering more in-depth building-specific information. 

Future Steps 

The challenge of real-time data collection underscores the importance of establishing a global energy accounting system. Achieving EN-TRACK's full potential hinges on robust policy support, emphasizing the mandatory sharing of energy data, beginning with public institutions. Future plans for the recently launched EN-TRACK platform involve its promotion at the municipal and regional levels, targeting public authorities, and advocating necessary policy adaptations. The key is to create understanding and facilitate dialogues between various stakeholders. 

Stay updated with EN-TRACK's progress as we continue to innovate and reshape energy management across Europe. 

Kickoff Meeting
On 4-5 November 2020, EN-TRACK had a succesful kickoff meeting. In the times of Covid-19 it was of course online.
Increasing Private Investments in Energy Efficiency Refurbishments
Read about how EN-TRACK will support increased energy efficiency investments.
Introduction of EN-TRACK
Watch this interview with our project coordinator, Stoyan Danov, as he explains about the goals and methodology of EN-TRACK.